From the handle to the seat to the tank, the toilet bowl is a throne that's teeming with harmful germs. Every nook and cranny of your toilet is exposed to germs. And no matter how often you clean it, germs will always be there. This is because the toilet bowl is the most used part of your home–although most toilet bowls have toilet seats with cover for one to sit on comfortably and help prevent the germs from spreading. Have you ever wondered how dirty toilet seats are? Read through and enlighten yourself.
Here are more dirty details about the toilet and, more importantly, how to take proper action:
1. Every time you flush the toilet with the lid up, toilet plume, a fine spray that contains aerosolized traces of faeces and germs, shoots up and the dirty droplets can land on the surrounding area inside your bathroom.
Germ-free tip: Make it a habit to put the lid down before you flush, and keep your bathroom essentials such as toothbrushes, combs, and towels far away from the bowl.

2. A regular toilet bowl can harbour 50 different types of bacteria per square inch.
Germ-free tip: Disinfect the toilet bowl regularly depending on usage using an effective and eco-friendly toilet cleaner.
3. Clean the Exterior of the Toilet
Clean the outside of the toilet with an all-purpose cleaner. Start at the top to prevent dripping on already clean surfaces. Spray the tank, handle, and tank edges and wipe them all down. Next, do the outside lid of the toilet. Finally, wipe down the entire outside of the bowl. Now is also a good time to quickly mop the floor around the toilet, which may also be dirty.

4.Cleaning the seat:
Step 1-Create a paste-type consistency with 1/4 cup of baking soda and 1/2 cup of warm water in a small bowl.
Step 2: Apply the baking soda paste on the stained areas. Let it sit for 20 minutes.
Step 3: Start scrubbing the toilet in a circular motion using a soft wet sponge. You can reapply the paste on stained areas if needed and continue scrubbing until the stains disappear.
Step 4: Rinse thoroughly with water.
Do not use the toilet bowl cleaner on the seats and it can discolor the seats.
Alternatively you can use a good all surface cleaner.
5.Once you’ve finished with the seat and the lid, you can move onto the hard to reach places like the hinges. Here’s how you do it: Close the toilet seat and lid, and spray the all-purpose cleaner around the hinges and leave for 1 minute. Use the old toothbrush to clean the hinges and get deep into those hard to reach places. Wipe down with a clean, damp towel.
If you’re proactive about maintaining toilet hygiene, you’ll face less stubborn, built up stains and your family will benefit from being exposed to less germs and bacteria. Remember, your toilet bowl cleaner might end up polluting the water, so opt for eco-friendly cleaning alternatives. #cleanwatermatters #howyoucleanmatters.